California's buildings are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions due to their utilization of natural gas. State emissions data shows achieving the State's ambitious climate targets will require decarbonization of buildings. But building decarbonization strategies can also have significant ratepayer impacts, raising equity concerns.
In this webinar, Stanford researchers presented new research estimating rate impacts to residential natural gas customers from currently proposed building decarbonization policies as well as the greenhouse gas emission impacts of those policy changes. The research team discussed identification of targeted geographic areas for decarbonization – rather than focusing on individual homes – as a preferred strategy from a cost and emissions perspective. The team previously conducted a legal analysis of this approach and provided suggestions for removing barriers to its utilization, which was summarized in the presentation. Click here to view the webinar.
Read new white paper: The Costs of Building Decarbonization Policy Proposals for California Natural Gas Ratepayers: Identifying Cost-effective Paths to a Zero Carbon Building Fleet (PDF).
Read white paper Supporting Information (PDF).
Mike Mastrandrea, Research Director, Climate and Energy Policy Program, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
Alison Ong, Graduate Student Researcher, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environmental Research Environment and Resources
Michael Wara, Director, Climate and Energy Policy Program,Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment