September 20, 2021 | Various News Outlets
A study authored by postdoctoral scholar Britt Wray finds that many young people worry about the climate crisis.
Four in 10 young people fear having... Read More
September 9, 2021 | Grist
Fio Micheli is quoted on the ecological and economic importance of protecting kelp forest ecosystems.
Jon Krosnick is quoted on the minimal impact that extreme events have on Americans' opinions of climate change.
September 2, 2021 | ABC7 News
Mary Prunicki is quoted on how pollution linked to climate change is creating increased environmental injustices.
September 1, 2021 | Gizmodo
Chris Field explains techniques for studying the greenhouse gas impact of cows and what they mean for climate change.
September 1, 2021 | France 24
Mary Ruckelshaus discusses how to go about valuing ecosystem services and how this can illuminate nature-based solutions.
August 30, 2021 | ABC7 News
Noah Diffenbaugh explains how global warming has intensified extreme events across the United States.
Newsha Ajami discusses how California deals with drought, the impacts of existing infrastrucutre, and possible solutions.
August 26, 2021 | The Atlantic
Felicia Marcus discusses the stresses on California's water resources and solutions for mitigating drought impacts.