The Woods Institute is now part of the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
With knowledge of tobaccos harmful health effects, the prevalence of cigarette smoking in the U.S. has significantly declined. However, with population growth, the total number of smokers has remained relatively stable at around 40 million people. Cigarette smoking remains the number one cause of preventable death in the U.S.
In an effort to decrease negative perceptions of smoking and encourage smokers to switch brands rather than quit, some companies have begun promoting their brands as more environmentally friendly by discussing the green nature of the tobacco supply chain and touting earth-friendly tobacco. Marketing efforts highlight images and text associated with environmental sustainability. However, the reality of the environmental impacts of tobacco involve deforestation, litter and other negative externalities from its production, consumption, and waste cycles. This project will use a randomized experimental design to examine the effect of pro-environment product labeling on adults tobacco-related perceptions and to identify effective public health counter-strategies.
Learn more about the Environmental Venture Projects grant program and other funded projects.
Principal Investigators:
Judith Prochaska, Professor of Medicine
Eric Lambin, Professor of Earth System Science
Project Team:
Lisa Henriksen, Senior Research Scientist
June A. Flora, Research Scholar
Anna Epperson, Postdoctoral Research Fellow