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Sarah Fakhreddine

Sarah Fakhreddine

RELP Cohort: 
Earth System Science
RELP Bio: 

Sarah Fakhreddine's research focuses on understanding the biogeochemical processes that govern the fate and transport of contaminants in groundwater systems. Her current research is conducted under the Engineering Center for Re-inventing the Nations Urban Water Infrastructure (ReNUWIt), and examines changes in groundwater quality during Managed Aquifer Recharge. Using both laboratory experiments and reactive transport modeling, her work provides a foundation for understanding how contaminants are mobilized within engineered aquifers. She is particularly interested in applying a geochemical understanding of these processes to provide water managers with recommendations for methods to minimize the mobilization of groundwater contaminants.

Prior to beginning her Ph.D. work, Sarah obtained her Masters degree in Environmental Engineering & Science from Stanford. During her Masters, she conducted research focusing on novel techniques to image the heterogeneity of groundwater aquifers, as both physical and chemical heterogeneity are critical controls on contaminant mobility in groundwater. She holds an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Her previous research, funded by the Texas Water Development board, aimed to establish guidelines for rainwater harvesting (e.g. roofing material, first flush volume) to optimize the water quality of harvested rainwater for household use. She is a recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Stanford Graduate Research Fellowship and Achievement Rewards for College Scientists.