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Bodie Cabiyo

Bodie Cabiyo

Academic Research Staff
Social Sci Res Scholar
Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
Bodie uses interdisciplinary approaches to investigate nature-based solutions to climate change. He currently studies how policy and innovative technology can enable carbon-beneficial forest management. This work bridges industrial ecology, forest economics, and forest ecology. His modeling work has focused on the role of innovative wood use in reducing carbon emissions, both in California and East Africa. His applied policy work focuses on improving forest carbon offset protocols. The intent of this work is to promote the more credible translation of carbon dioxide removals to a market context. Bodie also has latent interests in the social aspects of technology adoption, short-lived climate pollutants, and soil carbon storage.

Bodie completed his PhD in the UC Berkeley Energy and Resources Group in 2022, where he was an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. Bodie will usually abandon his desk after snow storms in the Sierras, or just on sunny afternoons when he’d rather be trail running.