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Climate Solution? Converting methane to carbon dioxide

Jun 25, 2019


Rob Jackson releases a study, published in Nature Sustainability, which proposes a new initative to convert methane to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 

“We should be putting the same thought and study into removing methane as we are for carbon dioxide. My goal is to restore the atmosphere, which is a more powerful goal than stabilizing temperatures.”--Rob Jackson to Inverse. The paper received coverage in  dozens of news outlets. See our write-up and a selection of media coverage below:

Scientists Suggest Turning Methane Into Carbon Dioxide Could Reduce Global Warming | Forbes | 6/25/19

Stanford researchers say we could curb the effects of climate change by turning methane into carbon dioxideBusiness Insider |June 6, 2019

BBC NewsHour Interview with Rob Jackson | BBC | 5/29/19

Converting one greenhouse gas to another as a way to reduce warming and make a profit AccuWeather| May 29, 2019

To Fight Climate Change, Convert One Greenhouse Gas Into Another Anthropocene Magazine| May 23, 2019

Attacking Global Warming by Adding CO2 to the Atmosphere? Stanford Researchers Have a PlanKQED | May 21, 2019

Scientists' Startling Idea to Fight Climate Change: More CO2 | Futurist | 5/21/19

Turn Methane into CO2 to Reduce Warming, Experts Propose | E&E News/Scientific American | 5/21/19

Turning methane into carbon dioxide could help us fight climate changeThe Conversation| May 20, 2019

Stanford Scientists Propose a Radical Idea to Restore the Atmosphere and Make MoneyInverse | May 20, 2019

Combatting Climate Change By Swapping Greenhouse Gases: StudyPatch | May 20, 2019

Turning one greenhouse gas into another could combat climate changeMIT Technology Review | May 20, 2019

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