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In the Media: Eric Appel

A road cuts through a smoky forest with burned trees on one side and unburned trees on the other.
October 5, 2021 | Various News Outlets
Noah Diffenbaugh, Mary Prunicki, Michael Wara, and several other Woods fellows discuss concerns, solutions, and impacts surrounding this year's... Read More
July 14, 2021 | Chemistry World
Craig Criddle and Eric Appel discuss their research on a hyrdogel that can suppress fires for an entire season.
June 27, 2021 | The Mercury News
Eric Appel discusses the potential for a new fire-stopping technology he developed to help prevent further catastrophic wildfires.
June 25, 2021 | ABC7
Eric Appel discusses his innovative fire-retardant that can protect fire-prone areas for the entire season.
smoke and wildfire among trees in a forest
November 11, 2020 | Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
As the Western U.S. faces another severe wildfre season, multiple outlets have quoted, interviewed and published comments from Stanford wildfire... Read More
October 20, 2020 | Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
Woods-affiliated researchers have provided perspectives on various dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic ranging from transmission pathways to the... Read More