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In the Media: Rob Jackson

March 11, 2021 | National Geographic
Rob Jackson commments on the value of new research that finds that the Amazon rainforest is contributing to warming, as “the Amazon is vulnerable,... Read More
January 28, 2021 | yahoo!finance
Rob Jackson comments on the usefullness of the reducing methane emissions to buy time to address CO2 emissions in the future.
January 27, 2021 | Fox 5 Washington DC
Rob Jackson talks about the implications if the U.S. remains out of Paris Climate Agreement.
January 26, 2021 | Quartz
Rob Jackson comments on estimates of CO2 needed to stabilize the world's temperature.
Empty Street
December 29, 2020 | Grist
Professor Rob Jackson cautions it's too early to tell if emissions have peaked.
Smoke Stack
December 25, 2020 | Fast Company
Rob Jackson discusses 2020 emissions and the numbers that really matter.
smoke and wildfire among trees in a forest
November 11, 2020 | Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
As the Western U.S. faces another severe wildfre season, multiple outlets have quoted, interviewed and published comments from Stanford wildfire... Read More
November 1, 2020 | Associated Press
Rob Jackson weighs in on the impacts of the US leaving the Paris Climate Agreement.
A fire burns on a hill behind a bridge with a bright orange sky
October 23, 2020 | SDGs: Building Back Better
In a new op-ed by Rob Jackson, he digs into the impacts that the global COVID-19 pandemic will have on our climate goals.
