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Lily Hsueh

Lily Hsueh is an Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy in the School of Public Affairs at the Arizona State University (ASU) and a Visiting Scholar in the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University. Her research investigates how different forms and scales of alternative and decentralized governance systems (e.g., market-based policies and voluntary programs) interact and shape the public and private provision of public goods and the management of natural resources and the environment. Questions of interest to Dr.

Fiorenza Micheli

Fiorenza Micheli is Chair of the Ocean Department, co-director of Stanford’s Center for Ocean Solutions, and a marine ecologist at the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, where she is the David and Lucile Packard Professor of Marine Science. Micheli’s research focuses on the processes shaping marine communities and coastal social-ecological systems, and incorporating this understanding in marine management and conservation.

Jeffrey R. Koseff

Jeff Koseff, founding co-director of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, is an expert in the interdisciplinary domain of environmental fluid mechanics. His research falls in the interdisciplinary domain of environmental fluid mechanics and focuses on the interaction between physical and biological systems in natural aquatic environments.

Larry Crowder

Larry Crowder is the Edward F. Ricketts Provostial Professor of Marine Ecology and Conservation at Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability and a senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment.  He is also Affliated Faculty at Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions and Professor by Courtesy, Department of Biology. Previously, he was the Stephen Toth Professor of Marine Biology at Duke University. Dr.

James Leape

Jim Leape serves as co-director of the Center for Ocean Solutions and is the William and Eva Price Senior Fellow in the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. Through research, writing, and direct engagement with private and public sector leaders, Jim looks at how to drive large-scale systemic shifts to sustainability, with particular interest in expanding private sector leadership on sustainability globally.
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