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Rodolfo Dirzo

My scientific work examines the study of species interactions in tropical ecosystems from California, Latin America, and other tropical areas of the world. Recent research highlights the decline of animal life (“defaunation”), and how this affects ecosystem processes/services (e.g. disease regulation). I teach ecology, natural history, conservation biology, and biocultural diversity at undergraduate and graduate levels at Stanford, and conduct science education programs with underserved children in the Bay Area and our study sites.

James Leape

Jim Leape serves as co-director of the Center for Ocean Solutions and is the William and Eva Price Senior Fellow in the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. Through research, writing, and direct engagement with private and public sector leaders, Jim looks at how to drive large-scale systemic shifts to sustainability, with particular interest in expanding private sector leadership on sustainability globally.

Nicole Ardoin

Nicole Ardoin, Emmett Family Faculty Scholar, is an Associate Professor of Environmental Behavioral Sciences in the Environmental Social Sciences Department of the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability (SDSS). She is also a Senior Fellow in the Woods Institute for the Environment. Professor Ardoin and her Social Ecology Lab research motivations for and barriers to environmental behavior at the individual and collective scales.
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