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Approaching Sustainability: Conversations with Leading Scholars

Join us for a series of talks by distinguished scholars on the future of sustainability research and education that aims to inspire, inform, and spark discussion about how we develop sustainability research and education at Stanford. 

Co-hosted by Stanford's Woods Institute for the Environment and School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences, this event series is open to Stanford faculty, graduate students, postdocs, and staff. These online talks are scheduled for a series of Fridays from 1 to 2:30 pm PT,  beginning April 2. Each speaker will present their sustainability research, followed by Q&A and informal conversation with Assistant Professor of Earth System Science Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, a center fellow at the Woods Institute. 

Join us on Zoom at Access is limited to participants with a SUNET ID.  Mark your calendars to hear from the following speakers, and check back for updated talk titles and abstracts:

April 2 Talea Mayo, Assistant Professor, Emory University 
                   "Coastal Flood Risk and Resilience in a Changing Climate" |  View Abstract

April 9 |  Maria Carmen Lemos, Professor, University of Michigan
                   "Scaling up Actionable Knowledge for Sustainability" 

April 16 Marty Anderies, Professor, Arizona State University
                   "Reflections on the Challenges and Opportunities for Governing Shared Resources in the Anthropocene"

April 30Baruch Fischhoff, Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
                   "Making Behavioral Science Integral to Climate Science and Action"

May 7 Robyn Wilson, Professor, Ohio State University
               "Understanding Climate Adaptation Decisions in Large-scale Agriculture"

May 14 |  Mehana Vaughan, Associate Professor, University of Hawaii

May 21Isha Ray, Professor, U.C. Berkeley
                   "From Intermittent to Continuous Water Supply in Urban India: A Multi-Dimensional Evaluation"

May 28Elke Weber, Professor, Princeton University
                 "Cognition and Behavior in Context: A Framework and Theories to Explain Natural Resource Use Decisions in Social Ecological Systems"


Students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with the speakers. Sign-up instructions for these meetings will be sent the week of each speaker’s presentation.

For more information, contact