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Electrification of the Building Sector: Constructing an Equitable Transition

January 26, 2022 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm

The Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment convened a webinar highlighting some of the latest research on building electrification as a critical climate solution. The conversation featured remarks from Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM), a leader on electrification in Congress, and a panel of science and technology experts discussing options, progress, and barriers for building decarbonization. Topics include: cutting-edge energy system technologies, efficient building best-practices, reducing household appliance methane emissions, and resulting financial implications for consumers. The conversation focused not only on the technology but also on assuring that the transition puts a priority on equity and justice.

Read a recap of the event and watch the video below.

Broad electrification will be critical to achieving proposed national and global goals of net-zero carbon emissions required to combat climate change. The transition to electric power is already underway in transportation and manufacturing. Electrification, coupled with increased efficiency, will also be needed in residential and commercial buildings. Currently, about half of all U.S. homes use natural gas for heating with an additional 10% relying on heating oil and propane. Other household appliances, such as stoves and water heaters, further contribute to fossil fuel consumption in the building sector.  


Keynote Speaker:


  • Chris Field, Perry L. McCarty Director, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
  • Stephanie Greene, Managing Director, Carbon-Free Buildings, Rocky Mountain Institute
  • Rob Jackson, Michelle and Kevin Douglas Provostial Professor of Earth System Science, Stanford University
  • Mike Mastrandrea, Research Director, Climate and Energy Policy Program, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Sponsored and organized by the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, this discussion is part of an event series that highlights pressing environment and energy challenges faced by the U.S. and beyond. See videos, speaker bios, and agendas from past discussions at the Stanford Environment and Energy Panel Series homepage

Event Sponsor: 
Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

This event belongs to the following series