Laurence Tubiana is France's lead climate negotiator and a key architect of the international climate agreement forged in Paris last December. The founder of the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) in Paris, Tubiana is Professor and Director at the Sustainable Development Center at Sciences Po Paris.
Tubiana is credited with managing the Paris climate talks, finding consensus among 195 countries and helping pave the way to a historic, legally binding agreement with ambitious goals. Among the challenges she faced in orchestrating a range of details from meals to high-level negotiations: a bout of appendicitis just days before the conference.
This was the first of a series of wide-ranging, informal conversations to be hosted by the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. Each conversation will explore the who, how, and why behind major developments in environmental science and policy. Chris Field, the Perry L. McCarty Director of the Stanford Woods Institute, started the exchange, with much of the time reserved for interactions with the audience. Tubiana discussed her role in the Paris Agreement and the goals of the international community for the COP22 meeting in Marrakech. The event was streamed via Facebook Live at http://www.facebook.com/WoodsInstitute/.
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