Event Recap
New Security Beat
From the Pacific to the Atlantic, Protecting Coastal Communities From Climate Threats
1:30 – 2:45: Session 1: Coastal Resilience: Failures and Opportunities: Explore what has worked, what has not, and opportunities to learn from these failures.
2:45 – 3:15: Public Coffee
3:15 – 4:45: Session 2: Coastal Resilience: Innovations and Future Directions: An opportunity to explore what’s working, what’s on the horizon, and what can we expect in the future.
Speakers inlude:
- Erin Derrington, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands’ Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality
- Roger-Mark De Souza, Director, Global Sustainability and Resilience, Wilson Center
- Christopher Field, Perry L. McCarty Director, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
- Alice Hill, Hoover Institution and former Senior Director for Resilience Policy for the National Security Council
- Thomas Loster, Munich Re Foundation
- Katharine J. Mach, Stanford University, Earth System Science
- Kees van der Geest, UN University-Institute for Environment and Human Security and University of Hawaii
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This science and policy forum was held as part of the Building Coastal Resilience for Greater U.S. Security Project sponsored by the Hoover Institution, the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, and the Wilson Center.