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First Nations' Futures Institute

First Nations – those representing indigenous communities – need leaders who can better their people’s lives through strong values and wise integrated asset / resource management solutions.

The First Nations' Futures Institute focuses on building capacity in these communities through a two-week program held at Stanford in the early fall. Established in 2006, the program consists of various lectures, presentations and dynamic learning experiences focused on social, economic, environmental and cultural aspects.

Fellows are expected to complete the institute as part of the requirement for the First Nations' Futures Program (FNFP), a one-year fellowship program intended to develop well-balanced First Nations’ leaders. As their final requirement, fellows from the previous year's institute will also present seminars to the incoming cohort about their experiences and reflections of the program.  FNFP partners include Stanford University, Kamehameha Schools, UH-MĀNOA, Te Runanga O Ngai Tahu, University of Canterbury, First Alaskans Institute, Seaalaska Corporation, Polynesian Voyaging Society, Harold KL Castle Foundation and Hawaiian Airlines. Members of this alliance seek to perpetuate cultural identity by honoring their familial relationship with their respective domains, practicing culturally-grounded stewardship of their assets, and leveraging broader scale impact of systems that influence their environment, political policy and economy.
Learn more about the program on the Ho'okele Strategies website or in past coverage and videos below: